
Monday, August 9, 2010

You're a rich bastard.

So the other night I was in an ICC 25m gold bid run, and if you don't know what a gold bid run is, well simply put it is when instead of rolling for gear, you bid on gear using gold, and at the end of the run, all that gold is split up among the raid. I walked in with around 2400g. I thought I could get a few items out of that money.

I got jack shit.

The only item I got off the boss was some tank bracers that comes off the first boss. Now granted, those bracers are nice, but I payed 1000g for them. To most people, 1000g isn't a lot, and I found that out when one of the raiders reminded me that "I would of bought those for 5000g, thats a steal". Thank you captain jerkface. Later on in the raid, Last Word dropped from Professor Putricide, which is a good tank weapon. At this point i had around 1300g, because of repairs and those fancy bracers. So I decided to put in 250g for those bracers. Some other jerkface decides to counter bid with 300. From there, it turn into a fancy bid war, which that jerkface won with the final bid of 1200g. "That was also a steal." the captain reminded us.

By the end of the raid, I got back 1800g, not to bad for 2 hours of work. This gold bid is happening again on wednesday, So I must make another thousand by wednesday, So I can walk in there with around 4200g (I'm sitting at 3200g right now"). There are a few people who walk in to the raid with 20k gold, and make it rain. I will one day be one of those people. One day.

Friday, August 6, 2010

You're a jerk face.

Welcome to the No Beta Club! We're the group of cool kids who still have  not gotten a beta invite. Why is that? Well here is my theory. THE PEOPLE AT BLIZZARD ARE JERK FACES. It took hours and hours of research to come to this conclusion. If you disagree with this statement, then you have failed us, and have become a jerk face. Good job, you jerk face. While those guys play the beta, the rest of the world is stuck with old content that many raiders are tired of completing each week.

      Don't get me wrong, I haven't done the Hard modes in ICC, but really, who cares? PvPers are still stuck in  that same season, racking up useless arena points. We're entering the great expansion depression. It is the time where our current expansion is  almost over, and the new expansion seems close, but at the same time so far away. If our Blizzard god is a good god, then why must we suffer like this? I know. because those gods are JERK FACES.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's this all about?

Welcome to The Corrupted Shield! In a nutshell, this blog will be about my own opinions on certain WoW related things such as why this new patch sucks, the very interesting lore , and why all classes other then Warriors are overpowered and should be nerfed to the sixth circle of hell (that's where people are trapped in flaming tombs for their punishment, crazy stuff right?).

Maybe you might enjoy this place, maybe not. Hopefully I can create some great discussions around here. So stick around for some more.